Media Learn

Media Learn is a searchable repository of lesson plans that educators can download and adapt for their own classes focused on developing media literacy skills. The platform reflects the Media What’s core principles to provide access to educational resources that enhance critical engagement with the media across grades and age groups. The vision for Media Learn is to create a rich media literacy toolkit for teachers that is open and free, that consolidates existing resources, so that teachers have a go-to online platform for teaching resources.


Media Learn is structured to reflect our three pillars: Memory, Identity and Citizenship. Lesson plans can be filtered according to duration, age and skills, and each entry provides access to a detailed lesson plan, which includes a lesson overview, lesson objectives, media vocabulary, learning outcomes and outline, as well as suggested reading and additional resources, where needed. Complete slides and accompanying handouts are also provided. 


The platform was funded by Tech Camp, and launched in December 2019. You can read Christiana Varda’s interview posted on Tech Camp here