Upcoming talk: Woman, Self, Selfie
Our founder, Christiana Varda, will be a giving a presentation on women photographers on social media platforms, as part of Fotodos Gallery's guest speaker series.

On Thursday, 11 February, 2021, our founder, Christiana Varda, will be giving an online talk focused on women's representations on social media, as seen through the eyes of women photographers. The talk "Woman, Self, Selfie: Behind Self-Representations Online" is part of Fotodos' Galler weekly guest speaker series. 

About the talk: 
Are women’s self-representations different online in comparison to a pre-digital age, and if so, how? This talk will begin by exploring visual artists’ pre-digital self-portraits -- the predecessor of the modern-day selfie -- before engaging and interrogating images of women’s self-representations that populate social media platforms, such as Instagram. The aim of the talk is to spark a conversation about the role of social media in helping creators share visual content more easily, while also algorithmically determining the types of women’s self-representations we see on our feeds. 

Event details

Date: 11 February 2021

Time: 7:45 p.m.

Duration: 60' (including discussion)

Language: Greek

Participation: Free access through Zoom, on the following link: https://zoom.us/j/99708985412